Tips To Protect And Data Recovery Services

Tips To Protect And Data Recovery Services

Computer Data Recovery Services has increased dramatically in recent years. These cause financial losses and cause significant slowdowns within companies. No manager can predict when data loss might strike.

From acts of hacking to internal events (human error or power outages), a  host of potential issues  can cause Data Recovery Services.

During the summer, the phenomenon is reinforced. Climatic events such as intense heat, storms, lightning can have a dramatic impact on Data Recovery Services media. For example, Google’s electrical installations located in Saint-Ghislain in Belgium were  struck four times  by lightning in August 2015, causing 12 hours of downtime. The event led to a definite slowdown in service.

On a smaller scale, the risk is no less great  : the malfunction of a smartphone due to heat can lead to the loss of a lot of valuable information (customer contact details for example). Incidents of this type can weigh heavily on the economic activity of a company.

Although almost all companies in France have had to deal with considerable data loss in recent years, security and risk management are still not among their top priorities. 

  • In 2014,  64% of businesses  reported experiencing either Data Recovery Services loss or unplanned business interruption.
  • In 2015, nearly  51% of companies said they had no disaster recovery plan.

However, it is quite possible, for both large and small companies, to both  protect  against Twitter data loss and to act  after the fact.

How to react when you are concerned?

As you have understood, data loss can occur due to many incidents, with more or less serious consequences. 

Here are  recommendations  offered by  world leader in data recovery. 
